Moving saved Projects Between Sites
When performing site copy operation, the saved projects would be missing in newly copied site. For by default, the projects associated with the specific site.
So it would be necessary to modify the documents binding site.
- Find the tool “Elasticsearch.Manager.exe” in below address:
c:\Program Files\Latitude Geographics\Geocortex Core\Diagnostics\Manager for Elasticsearch
- Connect the core service.
- Find the “docs_geocortex_essentials_users_documents” in the left panel tree and click “document”
In the right panel could see all the document in this server
- Use the “Search” to find target documents and right click on the row, in the popup choose “Duplicate”
If no need to keep projects for the original site, can direct to to step 5
select the duplicated document row and find the “SiteId” in below json part
- Modify the value of “SiteID” to new copied site name.
It may need a while to work, just keep refresh the browser